Starting a company — or, in other words — the dream of every youngster with above levels of ambitions.
We have all imagined how it would be to found a company. Oh, only the thought of being recognized as a founder gives us goosebumps. The long nights, the adrenaline running through your veins, the ramen noodles- we won’t miss those tho.
Jokes aside, most of us have imagined running from one meeting to another persuading investor to bite on the next big thing — admit it, you also had the billion-dollar idea: the UBER of enter _your_business_name_here.
But the reality is, it’s hard, and probably not that glorious after all, or is it?
Let’s land back to planet earth, and say hi to our founders Michelangelo Pagliara and Dorian Simon.
So, who are we? What do we want from you? But most importantly, why are we doing this? Because let’s face the truth, do we really need another blog bragging about entrepreneurship?
Well, first let us tell you a short story about how it all got started.
The early days
The year was 2019, and we were on our way to Brussels after wrapping up our last exams. It was finally time to think about business ideas, now that exams felt like dusted memories.
And here is it, our billion-dollar idea. We wanted to move to Silicon Valley to interview the most insane people on earth, sound logical, right?
We certainly didn’t lack ambition, yet our dream vanished in thin air after just a couple of days. Most business ideas never see a ray of sunlight and end up in start-up-cemeteries.
All that is changing starting right now, because we have decided to pursue our dream, and, this new project reflects our ambition to tell young people that it is possible.
Introducing Venture Insider
We all have read books about legendary entrepreneurs ranging from Elon Musk and Bill Gates to Steven Jobs — you name it. The funny part is none of us has ever met them in person, but we idolize them as they were our best friends.
We all have watched movies outlining their road to success. From The Social Network to The Founder — admit it, you too have devoured all of these masterpieces.
We all have studied their path and wished we were in their shoes — the sad reality is these giants wear shoe size 50, while we need to be happy wearing 36.
These legendary stories are inspiring, they keep us awake at night, make us dream big, but at the end of the day — they are simply not relatable.
So, what are we going to do about this?
The lack of relatable idols is a problem we want to tackle. We will showcase ordinary heroes of our daily life, the ones that are not broadcasted on TV. This is our solution to minimize the gap between dreams and actions.
Our value proposition
Venture Insider is all about addressing real-life stories from real humans.
But, okay, if we can share content from one of the aliens mentioned above, we will (please read this Bill). We promise.
Stories that provoke an inner drive in our readers that ultimately leads to change.
Our topics
#1 Visionaries 🔭
Firstly, we want to provide real insight from the most interesting people we can find. We like to call them Visionaries. From 18 years old founders to serial entrepreneurs with 20 years of experience, we will cover many industries and shed light on the actors of tomorrow’s future.
Taking the form of interviews, those stories will help you relate to their journeys and, hopefully, take action!
#2 Idea Garage 💡
Secondly, what does it mean to be a young change-maker during these troubled times? Idea Garage emphasizes the importance of being relatable and places it under a magnifying glass.
Opinionated, this section will bring you some perspective on the world around you.
The last few words
Venture Insider would love to hear your voice.
You can be a part of the change.
We strongly believe that everyone has a story to be shared and that there is invariably something to learn from everyone.
If you are on a mission and want to be heard, get in touch with us to get your story featured to a bigger audience.